Originally posted by freakshow:

I'd say I lean somewhat towards allowing gay marriages with some mixed views on the overall issue BUT one thing that sorta annoys me about this issue is people comparing gay rights to racial issues; apples to oranges. A person has no control over what race they are born. Homosexuals (regardless of whatever kind of BS research you wanna toss at me) CHOOSE to be that way...big difference IMO.

Ignorance is bliss...

And what kind of research do you have to prove this view? Or is it just your own personal hunch?

As for this issue, I agree that we have FAR greater issues at stake than this.

In addition, the thought of a constitutional ammendment is really scary. Throughout the history of the US, Civil Rights have always been protected by the courts. The fight for civil rights has begun and ended the same way every time. From womens rights, to race, and now homosexuality. Make there be no mistake, this is a CIVIL RIGHTS issue. Additionally, I fully agree that Civil Unions will not work. Seperate is hardly ever equal.

The "Sanctity of Marriage" arguement is crap too. If you're worried about the "Sanctity of Marriage" go talk to Britney Spears and her 54 hour marriage. Are there any married couples out there that truly feel there marriage means less because of that?

Finally, many states already have Gay Marriage bans in affect, and these laws include a clause about not recognizing gay marriage licences from other states. Why do we need to take this out of the hands of individual states? Within this article is a nice interactive map with state-by-state marriage laws.

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