i think gay marriages should be allowed...i mean, why not? let them! here are some of the arguments refuting gay marriage, and my thoughts on them:
-marriage is a "holy" thing....and gays should not be allowed to be married  
ok, well atheists get married, should we not allow aitheists to get married? the church can do whatever the hell they want, but city hall marries people, regardless of their religious affiliation.

-being gay isnt natural, and gays should not be allowed to be married.
technically, this is true (im assuming you know that being gay PROBABLY has something to do with genes, and is NOT choice. i've come to this conclusion from talking to one of my gay friends at school.). anyways, being gay technically ISNT natural, i mean, the one of the purposes of our existence is to procreate, and gay men and women obviously cant do that. but that doesnt mean it is wrong...its just the way things are. also, its not like homosexuality is limited to humans- there have been many instances of homosexual animals as well.
consider mentally retarded people (not that gays and mentally retarded people have anything in common...but that they are both instances of something that is technically "unnatural"). mentally retarded people are obviously not TECHNICALLY natural, but that doesnt mean that just because a person is mentally retarted, we deny them the right to marry.
i dont know, those are just a few of my jumbled thoughts
just wanted to get you guys thinking

1998 T-Red CSVT 3.0L