Originally posted by 96_Concept_GL:
Come on... I want my dog to have medical insurance, so I'll marry my dog. It IS and always has been a MORAL issue.

Whose morals? Certainly not mine, nor 95% of the people I know. Dogs are also not human. But, there IS pet health insurance. So, technically, it's easier for you to get health coverage for your pet than it is your gay lover whom you've been living with for 20 years.

Originally posted by 96_Concept_GL:

In a nation founded on religion, the institution of marriage is reserved and sworn to "under God". Why not allow polygamy?

It's allowed in Utah. Second of all, there is a separation of Church and State. Third of all, I will never be married "under god," as I'm NOT Catholic. I guess that means I shouldn't be married according to you? Come on out to MA and tell me that directly. In fact, tell it to ANYONE who's not Christian.

Originally posted by 96_Concept_GL:
I'm not condemning or condoning homosexuality, but if this whole thing boils down to wanting benfits and tax deductions it's straight BS.

How old are you? Do you live on your own? Have you ever tried to get health benefits? It would seem you're young, still live at home, and don't need the health bennies. Put yourself in the other pair of shoes- imagine having your government tell you that you cannot marry the person you've been living with for 20 years, simply because you're the same sex, while your friends have been married 3 or 4 times each to people for less than 2 years "just because it was the right thing to do." Hardly seems fair when you love someone with all your heart, and want to have the ability to marry them and make that commitment, but cannot, doesn't it? You're not condemning gays, you're right... you're condemning EVERYONE who isn't straight and fertile.

Originally posted by 96_Concept_GL:
So people don't stay married, that's their business. The only reason the gay populus wants marriage rights is because they were told they couldn't have them. Family consists of a liniage. Where is that in the dropping of it through same sex marriage. I'm sorry, call me whatever you want, but I know that I cannot support this.

Family consists of lineage? Ok. Try this one... what if either the male or female in a straight relationship is sterile. They cannot reproduce. So, that means they can never be or have a family, right? That's your argument. So, since they can't reproduce, they shouldn't be able to get married, I see. Nice line of thinking. I emplore you to go to a fertility clinic and tell EVERYONE in the waiting room that exact paragraph. Word of advice- get out before you're at least beaten to death. If I was in a car accident, and lost my testicles due to them being crushed, and could never have children, and you hit me with that sentence, I would beat you to within an inch of your life.

And, the "gay populus" as you put it wants marriage rights because that's exactly what they are- RIGHTS, HUMAN F*CKING RIGHTS. The goverment is telling them that they're less than human because they're not hetero. Might as well tell a Black couple they can't be married because they're Black... why not stop there? Why not make marriage only available to the upper 1%? Why limit it to race, religion, or sexual orientation? Why not just go for income as well? It's just as arbitrary a point to deny someone the RIGHT to marriage as any other.

1998 SVT Contour Silver Frost for sale in Classifieds.