up until about a week or so ago i was against gay marrages. but now that i have been paying more attention to the subject and hearing different opinions on it i have changed my mind on it. they should be allowed to get married, it really isn't going to drastically alter my life. there really are more important things going on in the world. for example about 2500-3000 soldiers and friends from the nc national guard just recently left for iraq. i think the president outta be fiquuring out how to quickly resolve this thing in iraq and not worring about how gay people wanna live their lives, if they are not bothering anyone. and that last post brought up a good point about The Church, i really don't think they have room to say anything after they just shoved all the cases of those kids that were molested under the rug and on top of that the bishop that is gay just recently took his bishop seat in the church. they outta clear all of that stuff up before trying to influence people to go against gay marrages. but this is just my opinion.


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