I think ssmumich00 pretty much covered it. I may have found a guy to get me a set of hellas ahead of all the rest. It is going to cost me twice as much, but I am going crazy waiting for these lights. I will definetly let you guys know when something happens.

In response to a question before. Conectors for the H9 bulbs are sold separately, but I will probably just sell them together since everyone will need them. The Hellas do not work with our OEM bulbs from what I understand. You will need to cut the OEM connectors and add the H9 connectors. Once I get a better idea about how these connectors work, I will address this further. Has anyone seen anyone else that sells these connectors besides susquehanna.com? I would just like to find the best price for us all.

Last edited by 98LXSESport; 04/14/04 05:27 AM.