Yet another happy Ceger.

Heres my story, I called and asked for bill which in turn i got tim. I had to order a Svt cruise control cable and an SVT passenger side exhaust hanger with bushing. Got the Cable fine but tim wasnt able to find the hanger.

So i told him i would call him back when i got home with a part number. Not 5 min later i got a phone call back from tim saying he got ahold of bill and got the part number.

I was shocked that he just didnt blow me off and wait for me to call back. Ordered all my stuff and got them today. Bill just wanted to thank you again and please thank tim for the stand up job he did.

Team Evo Staz: You know why they call it Skunkworks? Everyone: Why? Staz: Because everything that comes out of it stinks!!! Steeda-I hate you stazi