anyone wanna give me some free money??? Man i'm up for a huge maintence this year too. Prolly doing to the same as abwamo.
Clean the UIM and LIM.
Clean TB
Maybe replace those valves if they need replacing.
New brakes
Hopefully suspension if the money is available.
Hey here's a question advocate. How well are you with mechancial stuff. There's a svt in a junkyard and it's got lowered suspension i just dont know what type of condition it's in. It belonged to krisvt if you guys remember him. That guy that had that tree jump infront of him. Anyways i've looked at it a couple of times now and still can't decifer if it's in good or bad condition. He wants 300 for everything and that includes the springs and struts. Only thing is I dont know what else i'm going to need to put the post 98 suspension into the pre98.
I need to find a place to get my cat's gutted too. With what you told me before advocate i dont know if i want to venture to park muffler anymore. What is something i need to tell the guy inorder to get them done correctly? Do i need them to take them off or can they just do them on the car? I'm going to get some MIL's soon and it might just be the next mod cuz i dont want to have to buy a new engine. The brakes can wait i've driven them all winter in the condition there in and it's still pretty good.

wow that's a damn long post. hehehehehe sorry guys i dont usally jabber this long.

1997 T-Red Contour V-6 MTX It HaS BeGuN!!!!!!!!!!!