Originally posted by zm830101:
thanks for the info about the dimmer switch nate. i guess i should have been a little more specific though. i am installing some autometer gauges( a/f, oil pressure and water temp) into my a pillar replacement pod. i was wanting to answer the questions in the previous post in regards to the autometer phantom gauges that i am installing. also, i have another question for thoise out there using the phantoms and the lotek pod. is it necesary to trim down the two long screw on the back of the gauge that are used to mount the metal retainer in order to fit them into the pod. the first couple of test fits that i have made have met some resistance and i can't figure out why. i think that it may be those two long posts though i am not certain.

OH! That is different I'm not sure if the dimmer switch would hold up to the load. But I guess it depends on what each gauge says.

Good Luck!

"Fear is the little death." Muadib.