Hey guys....
thank you for your patience. I finally logged in.

Anyhow, i see all your concerns and questions. As far as considering the edge, it will be thin enough that you won't be able to see the edge of the plate after it gets mounted. Also, it will have enoung flexibility that it will not lift up after using double sided tape or other adoptable adhesive. I will use between two to three layers of C/F fabric and vacume it so that it will work out fine without a problem. Perhaps there will be a problem, i am alway here in Cali to rectify the problem. You see, i am not in china or japen. My facility is located in LA, CA. the city of angel.

The photo was a protype and i see what you guys'concerns are now. If there is anymore concern or hesitation to place an order, let me know. I will do whatever i can to assist you.

thank you.