Originally posted by Cookie Monster:
So? I've got 2 bath tubs in my house. AND hot water. Moooovin on up; to the east side. To a deeeeeluxe apartment in the sky....

Whoa! ... I was just addressing the swimming in October thing to let everybody know that its a viable option. Didn't mean to tick anybody off.

There's plenty of time 'till the October Dragon Run, so all options for accomodations will be considered. Besides, final word on this stuff certainly does NOT rest with me. I'm just a tourist from Florida!

If anybody locates more refined accomodations at a reasonable price, I'll be the first to jump in! In fact, there were some deluxe cabins being built on the NC side adjacent a stream or river or supm' that sounded really nice. I'll hunt that down if anybody would be interested in it.

Must be that jumbly-wumbly thing happening again.