Originally posted by svtcarboy:
The change in intensity and the speed of the change in the intensity gives you relative position if it is front, rear, or side (in most of my driving left or right is irrelevant).

The V1 is the only detector on the market with a TRUE rear detection.... it has a radar pickup on the front of the detector (facing rearward), so its not signal strength, but (i believe) a triangulation of signal reception to determine front/back/side-to-side (Is it just me, or do I sound like Ludacris)

And I will still take my detector that picks up every signal, because I'm smart enough that I can figure out what signals are and what signals aren't cops based on their strength and frequency. If you have a good detector that gives you more than a 2 second warning of an approaching cop, then you can ignore the single beeps (false alarm or cop w/instant on in the distance?!) and just pay attention to the stronger beeps.

I still refuse to trade my V1 for anything.

Diesel owns you