If your running double-plantinums take notice of the platinum pad on the ground electrode. I just pulled mine and that platinum on all three plugs (Bank 1 neg firing)almost gone with only 13k on the them. I rotated bank 1 & 2's plugs. Seat of pants feel was noticed. Once I get the new OBD II misfires info figured-out, I'll be able to tell for sure what's really doing.
I upgraded to Alex Peppers (OBD-II.com)latest Rev. software and it's showing a whole new set info that wasn't there before. e-mailed Alex and his reply was something to the effect if it PCM responses it's valid? Even though mines a 98 those codes are in there up to the 2000 model? I think that what's he tring to say?
If you want I can PM you (cut/paste) info from my 98 CD manual? Just Pm me. (Ref 1131/etc) It will add fuel to the confusation. how The Ford mechanics fix anything is amazing. I guess that's why they also have a seperate emissions manual?
I only have 50k on my car I'm not looking forwaqrd to this pre-cat/O2 sensor snafu. Bring on the common rail diesels low end torque!!!!! The drivers in Europe are lucky!


Paul 98 Mystique LS 2ea (07/97)(08/98)