The next picture is of the case housing that was repaired with JB Weld. First crack was ground down a bit and surrounding surface roughed up, surface was then cleaned with laquer thinner, last JB Weld was mixed and applied

Next Direct/Coast- Coast side Clutch drum is reassembled

Coast Clutch Plunger Assembly

Coast Clutch Piston

Retainer Spring - Coast Clutch

Forward One-Way Clutch and Low-Intermediate Sun Gear Assembly

This was taken apart cleaned, inspected and reassembled. It is import to pay attention to how sprag is reassembled, there is an thin and thick end cap that mounts on the sprag in a specific way according to drag clip orientation.

Low One-Way Clutch Assembly, cleaned and inspected and then reassembled and check for proper rotation that indicates if you reassembled it correctly and or working correctly.

Final Drive Carrier and Differential Assembly,

Cleaned, checked for nicks, etc. and then reassembled.

This weekend I'll include pictures on the final direct/coast drum assembly completion.

Making progress!!!

Last edited by unisys12; 12/11/04 12:31 AM.

An ounce of prevention provides a pound of cure!