Well, I got the flywheel machined today and have the other misc parts. I'll put the rear seal / flywheel / clutch back in probably tonight.

I'm curious if anyone would be able to swing by any time this week just to help lift the tranny up and get a few bolts in it. Everything else I can work on myself, but there's no way I'd get that tranny back up without one or preferably two extra helpers.

It's funny, when I dropped off the flywheel the guy asked what it was from. I said Contour, he raised an eyebrow and asked "4 cylinder or 6?". I replied 6, and he said "You're a brave soul." Apparently it's one of there least favorite clutches to do

97 Contour SE MTX K&N 3530, UR UDP, 19# Injectors, mystery mod, FMS wires, Fordchip.com chip, SVT: TB, Flywheel, clutch, exhaust 04 Grand Caravan SXT