Todd, because of your previous response I assume your going to "SHO-up" If so, good to have you at one of our meets again. As far as how many, well, I'd say atleast 15 cars if not more. Considering we had (20) last month and it was a hell of alot colder, this meet should meet or exceed that one. Also it looks like theres more CCEG-ers coming as well, so again, lets show up and make em' feel welcome and also show em' why SE MI CEG is #1 driving to this meet and please, we don't want to hear "why is it so far away?!" (I'm driving about 35 minutes to this meet, no biggie ) The CCEG is driving over 300 miles one way to attend ANOTHER one of OUR meets, amazing!

"THEE" Roger R 2005 Crossfire Limited coupe' -FOR SALE @buyout price & I'll... -throw in my 93' Regal as winter car *Dragon Run 06'...Oct 12-15th* Puur-fection Auto Detailing Complete packages from $140.00