so this is a go for getting the "updated" svt log. i asked about a pic for a demo set. i asked about "contour" logo or "cougar" or "c2" logo and these r doable if i can get good scans of the proper logo/font from anyone. i mentioned pricing on par w/ ebay pricing, obviously it'll be more w/ a dead pedal added. but this is the breakdown they said they can do, based i what i asked for. the polish or matte available for each type. they want to offer full sets only so if u have an mtx and dont want the dead pedal i dont think they'll do it.

Contour Manual Transmission, 4 piece pedal set - No logo
Contour Manual Transmission, 4 piece pedal set - "Contour"
Contour Manual Transmission, 4 piece pedal set - "SVT"

**Contour Automatic Transmission, 3 piece pedal set - No logo
**Contour Automatic Transmission, 3 piece pedal set - "Contour"

Cougar Manual Transmission, 4 piece pedal set - No logo
Cougar Manual Transmission, 4 piece pedal set - "Cougar"
Cougar Manual Transmission, 4 piece pedal set - "c2"

**Cougar Automatic Transmission, 3 piece pedal set - No logo
**Cougar Automatic Transmission, 3 piece pedal set - "Cougar"
**Cougar Automatic Transmission, 3 piece pedal set - "c2"

** Pending templates and fitment.

1)i dont know if the c2 cougar is an mtx or atx or both.

sounds like we wont have to get a minimum for each type so mp3tour u shouldnt have a problem getting in on this. again i know the pricing they do on ebay and i'm shooting for a good price on this. just need u guys to stay with me. i think a group buy will have more leverage than an individual asking about change this, change that for just one set.

2)does anyone have quality scans of the "contour" "cougar" "c2" logo i can give them. i already gave him the one BRIDGE provided and they said its no problem.

once this is up and running, autovation will put up a group buy order page w/ i guess each option i listed above w/ a final price for each option and u pick the one u want and order. but i will get u guys the pricing before so u obviously know what it is. i dont think he was expecting more than 10 buyers so i want to see if i can get a price breakdown for u guys since we already have more than 10.

if u have any questions/concerns pls bring them up. i've run a group buy before and try to stay right on top of things. the company sounds pretty eager to work with us for a final quality product that u guys will like. i actually ordered a set off ebay for 59 and will likely sell it on ebay at a loss to someone who may not be as picky about the logo nor wants a dead pedal. it should be getting delivered within the next day. i'll see if i can use my brothers digital cam over the weekend to take pics simply to show the quality of the pedals, front and back.

3)any plain set guys interested in the "contour" logo.

4)can someone confirm if the atx pedals are the same as mtx, minus the clutch pedal?

also i'm getting the dead pedal w/ logo too. so if u get a logo set the dead pedal w/ have logo too. they said they wont put logo on the gas pedal for safety reasons (maybe dont want your footwear to catch the inside of logo and floor the car).

Hugo AIM:omegazodiac 95 gl & 99 contour svt #1750/2760 my profile pics stuff for sale