Originally posted by Outback Gal:
I minored in Political Science...who is your favorite Prof? I absolutely loved Dr. Durasoff's classes. I also enjoyed Dr. Reed's classes. Wasn't as fond of Dr. West...a little to dry for my liking!

Yeah, I take almost all of my classes from Durasoff. He is ok, I like him and I like talking to him but he can get off onto some crazy tangents that take like a half hour and aren't that interesting. My favorite by far is Davis. The guy is absolutely hilarious. I can't believe he is actually running for senate too. I am totally going to vote for him even though his chances of winning are slim. I actually haven't had any classes from West and probably won't. I am doing the international affairs track so like 2/3 of the classes I have left are with Durasoff. I am having fun with it though. I think I am already having early onset senioritus though and that is probably a bad thing!

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