Originally posted by KingpinSVT:
got my shifter today. no new screws or instructions though. oh well, new bolts cant be too expensive. can someone post instructions for the older style tower (with the small plate)?

also, what size bolts do we need to get. i take it they should be 60mm long from brapples previous post. what about the other measurements?


p.s. thanks ray, scott, and eric. i was bummed that i missed the first GB, thanks for putting it on again!

Word! I didn't even think about the new bolts. I didn't get those either. So I am instructionless and boltless. So some specs on bolts and any help on the instructions would be sweet.

I live in Detroit, I couldn't give a **** how good my car is in the "twisties." "I could use a hundred people who don't know there is such a word as impossible." ~Henry Ford