Originally posted by DemonSVT:
14 psi on what turbo though???

It is not the psi level but the airflow at said psi level. Just a psi rating means little to nothing without airflow numbers.

14psi on a T3 40 trim would barely get you moving but 14psi on a T66 would likely pop the stock head bolts...

interesting point, and I think I might have a problem because I'm rebuilding my 2.5L and going with a t3/4 trim option through SF. . .so, I'm assuming that it should be a decently packaged upgrade since the t28 runs out of breath beyond 10psi, or so I've been told. . .

I guess I'm opting for the t3/4 upgrade because I want to push more air than the t28 is capable of, and that's what the logic was behind the forged rods (I could sustain higher air flow, more boost, on a larger turbo, without the deleterious risks associated with increasing combustion chamber temp's). . .as for the 3L upgrade, I didn't want to spend the extra $2k to get it done right, because NO ONE here is capable in that realm (nor am I!)

I'm rambling. . .but since this has become kind of a cool tech forum on upsizing turbo's on 2.5L engines, out of curiousity, how do you calculate the INEFFICIENT point where the heat from compression reduces power put to wheels. . .like in my case, with a 2.5L t3/t4, nothing beyond 15psi as Keyser said?