Originally posted by LilRedRocket:
I'm a fairly new contour owner with a nice lookin ride who wishes to attend the (hopefully still on) friday night cruise and hang around during the day on saturday, Nothin more. I live nearby so Im crashin at home. Do I need to register on the website, or do I just show up on the itenarary times. Don't plan on participatin' in anything (newbie, just gettin feet wet, puttin names to faces, and such) or eatin (nothin but BK for me). I guess to summerize this jargin I have wrote, the registration website is just the register so you get to play on the karts, eat the junkfood, get a new polishin rag (t-shirt) and play on a dyno (which I know is additional). If we don't wish to participate in that, we don't have to register then, correct?

Strangely, when that 2-25-04 deadline comes up....I see my self registering...hmm

I hope all potential attendees register for the Banquet/Grand Prix/Show & Shine. There is no obligation to use the Hotels listed. Feel free to stay in your car, at home, a friends place or where ever you pass out (ask JVT or MY99SVT).

Participation at all SZ activities will be controlled by arm bands. Crash if you must, but do not expect to be well recieved by those of us who do Register and pay. Also, the menu has not been finalized, but it will be far from junk food.


Semper Fi "They've got us surrounded. Poor bastards." -Chesty