Originally posted by bk4293:
Originally posted by LoCoZ:
Originally posted by bk4293:
Originally posted by bk4293:
Originally posted by bk6358:
Originally posted by bk6358:
Originally posted by bk6358:
Originally posted by bk4293:
Thats Cindy, Da Babies mama. She bought a used 2001 ZX3 Red.

why do you have to use the word "used" it's Brand new 1 owner baby

One owner before you or only one owner at this time????

Why does she keep quoting herself without saying anything????
Who did she learn that from???


Stupid moderators and stupid rules, If we all followed the rules we'de all be like Joe!!!

WTF.... what rules do I follow

2003 Subaru WRX some mods Even if you don't have the answer, you certainly have to admire the problem. aka ZetecRacing