warmonger 2 things....

you won't get proper atomization of the fuel becuase that happens in the nozzle, if you are running a common tube of n2o/fuel before the nozzles you'll never atomize... wet systems have nozzles with 2 ports, one for fuel, the other for n2o, this way the fuel gets atomized...

next the real problem, and that is physically getting a wet shot nozzle between the 2 halves of the manifold.... you don't have enough room.... now i havne't played with trying to mount them on an angle, but then you have far more problems to worry about as they are made to be mounted perpendicular to the mounting surface and into the air stream...

NOS may have a solution, however it would require a custom fuel rail... they are called NOSzles... bascially it's like the bottom of an injector with a straight through hole and 2 small inlets using NOSs flexible line (1 for fuel, other for n2o) it sits where you injector does, and your injector sits inside of it.... the deal is we have both sets of injectors running on 1 common rail, and doing this setup will comprimise the angle the injectors are set in the rail, thus needing a custom rail, or possibly 2 smaller custom rails... whatever the case you'll need to get that part made.... this setup may also alter/comprimize the injector spray pattern, but i don't have any info to warrant that argument either way....

only other solution is to make your own LIM with the nozzles built in....

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