I have class today but we're going to get rolling - I'm very much in this to make sure you guys are taken care of. I think I have to accept that I got screwed but I'm not going to let that happen to you guys, you all were more in the dark than me.

I'll see what I can find out Friday or Monday. For now, on everyones part - it looks like small claims is the only choice if the class action doesn't fall through.

I myself am filing a suit against Andy's for using a picture I took of my car for advertising purposes without my concent.

I'll be back on later tonight to see what's new and how we want to go about this. If I get the ball rolling I need someone who can over see everything and remain as a contact person. It's hard for me to do this with school and work - preferebly someone who knows enough about the law and is good with the public (you guys). Those not in the GB are welcome to voulenteer since I'm sure many people know what's going on.

If anybody else has another idea post it - we need to agree on one format going forward.