I searched 27 pages regarding the reciprocating assembly question with no mention of upgrading the components. Carillo does make custome rods and Arias makes custom pistons, but I guess no one has gone to this expense in building there engines. For those who are knowledgeable in the 3.0L swap and who have worked all the bugs out . . . it would be of interest to all who are planning the same to have that road map published on the CEG site. Actually I think one could charge a few dollars a copy for a well documented swap. I've read all the 3.0L swap articles published to date and all were quite generic and didn't mention a lot of the things discussed in the forum like 2.5L svt cams on the 3.0L heads, stuttering, etc. As it sits now it all sounds like a pain in the butt in trying to work through the numerous problems encountered with the 3.0L hybrid rather than buying a car that is better supported in all areas of engine building.