You could just attempt to sue Lance on the grounds that he hosts the site where the GB took place therefor he is partially responsible for the GB gone bad. Just kidding
Really though, kinda sad to see this type of thing happening on here and I hope it all gets resolved soon. I'm glad I didn't jump in on that GB or the SVT Emblem one I was looking at and this makes me even more weary of jumping in GB's hosted by people I haven't previously dealth with.
In an attempt to find a positive spin on this there are still some very good CEGers doing business here like Flecha, Cuervo, Bill Jenkins to name a few. I know there's more but those are the guys I have dealt with and would gladly do business with again so thanks to those people who operate honest and trustworthy business on CEG.

Formerly known as Sneaku I MISS MY BABY!!! '00 Blk CSVT #1087/2150 built 12/23/99