I have to look it up Dave. I think Volvo had a 12 speaker setup in the S80 T6. My uncle got an S80 with a base stereo and it had 8 so I can see 12... funny story, he was telling me about his car, and he mentioned the 18" rims (lie) and how he hit a curb and bent one (lie) and then paid $2000 for a replacement (lie) and how the car handled better that the 540i he tested (lie) and that he spent $65K on it (lie) even though he bought it used. Then he started in on the stereo. I started inwardly laughing and finally told him his stereo sucked (not a lie) We went outside and as we got closer to the car I mentioned how wheel sizes work, and that he has 17s (nice, so why lie about them?) We popped in Big Shiny Tunes 4 and it sounded like ass. He than noted that the recording quality on the CD was very poor and that was the reason it sounded so crappy (lie) So we threw it in my cousin's Stellar (4 pioneer 10's remember?) and I think he almost cried. Then we went to Mean Green and you can guess the rest. Now he refers to me as a pompous arrogant bigot who thinks he knows everything about cars laugh (finally the truth) I e-mailed him a few weeks later with the only site I could find about the S80. I'll put up the link when I find it...

1996 Contour "Mean Green" (99-02)
2002 Malibu Blue Focus ZX5 - something to hold the PB 15...