As for the planning ahead, We have doen all the measures to tell everyone when they will be as, they are the second saturday, now changing to the second sunday of every month. Months 1, 4, 7, and 10 are in Olympia, Months 3, 6, 9, and 12 are in Everett, and Months 2, 5, 8, and 11 are in Tukwilla. Thew dates have been set far in advance. If anyone is to cancel Jeremy or I would appeciate being called, so we don't have to waste are time. Example. I myself was asked to work overtime on Saturday. I said, I can't because I have plans with some friends I haven't seen in a while. So my boss said okay. I would have go to make almost 200.00. This weekend, instead I wasted my time, my money, and didn't get money I could have had if someone would have called. I have 3 people I know who can give decent excuses of why they decieded not to show up, or couldn't. Lance and his lovely wife, the server of course. 1andonlysvt, did but we messed up times when we were gonna meet to drive to south center mall. My fault. And, i don't remember your SN, but, the son, that had his father pass away. (RIP, and good luck). If you guys are gonna be late, can't find it, don't want to go, to tired, or whatever the reason is, Call and Tell us, post it here, email us. Don't fear us. As we also have lives just like you do. Sometimes things just aren't gonna work that day as planned. Like, I was to tired once, so I called and said, hey I am not coming. Nobody [censored] me out, nobody was mean to me. Nobody will be mean to any of you for telling us you can't come. Yes dissapointment that 1 less person is coming will happen. But, atleast we know what to expect.

I am not trying to be mean to anyone here. So please don't take it that way if you feel upset. if you do or want further explaination of this. PM or post here. And, i will talk about whatever is needed/wanted. As for everyone if you guys could PM your cell numbers with name to Jeremy and I, we are gonna call people the night before and verify meets, this is the only time you will recieve calls from us. Don't worry no plans on selling your numbers. If you guys say your coming, we will call and verify the night before. If you still don't show up with saying you were gonna the night before, we will call you during the meet just to make sure nothing crazy happened on the way down or during the night that wouldn't give you a chance to call. (accident, death in the family, to tired, or whatever else)

95 SES Sold 99 SE Sport Sold 99 SVT T-Red Tan Interior. K&N, Magnecors, 19' Theorys, And some audio stuff.