This was posted under "Aesthetics" by The Striped SVT and I for one am very interested. It's concerning the dead pedal from RedLine Tuning. WHO'S INTERESTED? Here are his comments:

I don't think that thing is going to work in our car, look at the pic, that isn't a Contour. Heres one that does work, I know, I have them made for us and have sold over 60 of them in the past couple years

I had this made because when I got the pedals from KKM it didn't look finished right there, so I came up with this design. It simply attaches either using two-sided tape, velcro or some have even screw it down into the floor This is a custom made piece, made out of aluminum and costs us $30.00 plus an extra $5.00 for S/H. Unfortunatley I can't have these made right now as I'm out of work rehabbing my shoulder, but I could have another batch of them made if theres enough interest, like about 10-15 of them. This leaves enough time for someone to put together some type of interest in the product again and let me know (maybe post something in the GB section as far as INTEREST CHECK ) The price is non-negotialble because the price is what the guy charges me and I don't mark it up, I just don't do that sort of thing I plan on going getting back to work sometime in February, so theres plenty enough time!


I want one so I guess I'm number one if it ever gets started.

WA 2 TUFF SVT 2000 Tropic Green SVT Born 1/28/2000-1975 out of 2150-only 207 made. Some new pics