Originally posted by RogerB:
Originally posted by wa2tuff:
As I said before, if they are painted on the inside like Hightowers, that would be perfect, or is that the way they would be anyway?

Either you're not clear on the concept, here, or I am really misunderstanding you.

The Hightower treatment takes a large plastic assembly with a clear lens and paints those internal pieces of plastic that are not directly involved in shaping the light beam.

The morette treatment eliminates the big plastic bubble assembly. There is no longer anything inside the light to paint.

Please peruse this thread again, where you will find pictures of the morette treatment on pre and post 98, and of the very small, but dedicated and efficient, Hella light assemblies that mount in the morette frame.

I guess I wasn't clear on the concept. Without having seen them up close, just in pix, I didn't realize there was no plastic cover. This makes them even more desirable. Now I'm really drooling. Dean, I hope you can come up with something for this. As I said before, I'll buy this from you because I know it will be high quality and well made. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

WA 2 TUFF SVT 2000 Tropic Green SVT Born 1/28/2000-1975 out of 2150-only 207 made. Some new pics