If you search back a little while (change the search to search more than the last week) you will find many threads talking about how many miles people have on their contour.]

For the one you are looking at. Who know I think how it was taken care of will have more to do with how many miles you will be able to get out of it than the nuumber of miles on it now.

I know we have one member with 250K on a 95 but we have had other members blow their engine with less than 30K so it is hard to say from just mileage how good it will be.

As for me I keep my mileage in my sig so just look down for it.


Beaten - 2003 MazdaSpeed Protege 29K <- broken hearted Daily/Weekend Beater - 1990 miata 138K - AutoX every weekend = Adult driven on weekends