Originally posted by LoCoZ:
Originally posted by ToMMyKnocKeR:
Originally posted by unisys12:

I saved it!!

I don't care who ya are, that's funny!

that is so funny....lol
hey we need to do something about those feet man , I will bring ya some high heels.....whose gonna bring the dress.

ohhh ohh ohh I know, Kim you can bring the dress, I don't own any dresses, and Cindy you can do the make up. we will get him drunk on Tequila and fix little Joe up.

is that freaky enough for ya whatever the girlfriend's name is???

I will talk Kim into bringing a dress!

I'm gonna talk Cindy into bringing a shot gun, that thing comes anywhere near me and it'll be bed time for Bonzo!!!

www.ChicagoCEG.com 2006 White Grand Prix