Originally posted by Abbo:
I screwed up early on when I panicked and took it to the dealer before making sure I had an actual continuous leak. I ok'd the work because I trusted his word that there was no fix except replacing the case or the whole transmission. If I had seen this area before they dropped the trans I would have most certainly driven it out of there. It has been one bad decision after another in this case. It must have something to do with age because I am usually pretty good at figuring the best way to proceed in these matters. It all started on the day I was going to look under the car and see if I felt like tackling the oil pan gasket myself and it gets worse each day. Oh well!

I would not blame yourself so much over all this. Yeah sure, I have sat right here and said to myself, "That guy should have never ok'ed work that he had not checked out first.", but it is not always that simple. If you trusted this guy, which I feel you did or you would not have allowed the work to be done thus far as you said, how can you blame yourself. You don't work with the CD4E everyday, so you are not "up-to-speed" on it's in's and out's. So how could you know? You may also not be overly familiar with automatic transmissions at all. So how can you really totally blame yourself for all this.

Sure, there was some common warning signs that you should have caught. But you trusted the guy! Too bad our socity is built more on distrusting someone to protect yourself rather then trusting that person.

In short, don't beat yourself up so bad.

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime