Originally posted by bambam4501:
I thought there was 13 in the inital deal?

Nope, this was in the original post for the interest in the sale:


Hey all, I've recently been made aware of a small quantity of Borla Exhausts for the CSVT. This company is looking to clear out it's inventory (less than 10 units) and that translates into excellent pricing on the consumer end. All I need from you guys is a gauge on the amount of interest there is out there. Once it has been determined that interest does exist, then the group buy will commence. At which time I will have pricing and the actual number of units available. I know your interest will be "depending on price" so you don't have to put that in your post. The pricing will be good or the buy won't happen, it's that simiple. Thanks for reading.... now post your interest!

1998 T-Red SVT #957 Born 5/14/1997