The smallest cam is what most would call a street replacement cam. Good for mild turbocharging/blower. Its going to come up with power almost everywhere over stock. looking at around 10-15 percent at the top of the tach if youv got the major restrictions out of the way 10 for a straight cam swap on a stock engine id say.

The second would be a more aggresive blower turbo cam good increases loosing some of that 1000-1700 rpm torque for a trade of about 14-17 percent on top depending on bolt ons

Third is a nice N/A streetable cam or a very aggresive turbo grind (youll get too much blow through with a High Psi blower I think) youll see alot more in the mid range (3000-5000) and an explosive 5000 to the red. Looking at 20-25 percent depending on how good it breaths.

4rth is a higher rpm N/A cam capable of making power well after you hit the fuel cut. Looking at upto 30 percent down at the redline if you have your system ready to go.

The 5th cam is better left to those who have a way to really tune their car because it probably wont idle well in the sub 1000 rpm area. Makes great power above 5000 but starts to slow down on the midrange compared to the stage 4 because of the long durations. 35-40 percent as tuned length headers really come into play with a higher overlap cam.

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