Originally posted by AirForce:
You can take this whatever way you want but all I know is that when Kevin was moderator we meet every month and we were organized. Maybe our current moderator should come up with something that might interest this group. We don't always have to meet for lunch. We can meet at night, in the morning, anytime. It's just we never have ideas until someone gets bored and says let's have a meet. Maybe we should go to gameworks or play pool. Hell we never have more than 6 people at meets anymore, and thats only when me and jeff show up. And we don't even own contours.
Let's get organized, set-up a future date for a meet, and stick to it and it's location. If you don't show up it's not gonna be anyone's fault but your own.

I say we meet this sunday, then let's have a meet either the 27th or 28th of December. Gameworks or even a pool hall or bowling. anything!

Team Evo Staz: You know why they call it Skunkworks? Everyone: Why? Staz: Because everything that comes out of it stinks!!! Steeda-I hate you stazi