Oh man, where to start . . . At the beginning I suppose . . .


Ok regaurdless of whether you can package it or not

you don't seem to get it do you? This right here is the crux of the matter. The whole context here is turbocharger(s) applied to the duratec engine in the CDW27 platform.
There is no place to put the second turbo, plain and simple. Let's pretend you find a place anyway after relocating or removing all sorts of stuff, its still not gonna be in a place that allows you to run decent exhaust manifolds (ie short).


lets talk about the ability of the seperate systems to make power.

First, this argument is inane (yes that is spelled correctly, go look it up) because both layouts can be made to make equivalent power on this size engine, it is all in proper sizing for the application and proper tuning. Minor efficiency differences can even be accomodated for.

Hmm, I actually had responded to a bunch of your stuff, and ended up deleting it just now, becuase I realized that beyond what I said above, I kept saying the same thing; Virtually everything you say is contingent upon some pretty big assumptions about the package and the setup, most of which don't even apply in the case of the contour. You keep forgetting that this is a discussion about fitting a turbo or turbos to a Contour not a general single vs. twin discussion; I already responded previously with my general views on twin vs. single.

On to your second recent post, you compare a single vs. a twin with specific turbos.



high output 3 l running 22 psi

You do realize that this sort of setup would potentially be in the neighborhood of ~500hp at the crank? Not exactly the sort of power that could be handled by a contour transmission or chassis. Plus if someone has the cash to be dumping into a duratec to get to those levels reliably, do you really think its going to be in a FWD contour????? Let's try to be at least remotely realistic. But then again, you obviously have sized this stuff in search of the dyno queen of the year award.

Second, your "match" of a T66 compressor is ridiculous, anything under 4500-5000rpm rides the surge limit; I don't know much about you, but eating the compressor wheel because of constant surge doesn't sound fun to me. This also points to your poor choice of a 60 trim T3 for the twin setup, another serious surge problem.

So first, you choose an output level that no available transmission or chassis can support safely, and the engine block is even unknown at that level; and this even all assumes a complete rebuild using all forged internals and a custom forged crank. Second, you size everything such that it would be nothing but a dyno queen, certainly not something I would consider fun.

Peak Power is not the only thing that one should worry about on a street car.

Balance is the Key. rarasvt@comcast.net