Originally posted by Travis:
Okkkk... you can goto http://home.earthlink.net/~adrenilin/Index.htm I built an all motor zetec that did THAT to the diffrential I really think i know what the [censored] an mtx 75 is how it works and what it does. No i dont know what a contour engine compartment looks like. I am however interested in the knowledge that the people have on here about the 3l. You can get the hell of my back and shove it up your ass if you dont like what i have to say. Im an experienced engine builder and was making early 14 second passes on that engine. (14.19) (2.078 60 foot)

I would like to know exactly where your knowledge base comes from and just exactly why you think your intelligence level is soooooooo much higher then mine.

Dude, plenty of folks have destroyed the diff in an MTX-75 on stock motors, Zetec or Duratec; its more about how you drive it than how much power you put through it.

Anyway, this has turned into a complete and total pissing contest, and why? because you walked in here talking up things you didn't know anything about. And Stazi isn't the only engineer here, or even the only automotive engineer here. If you don't want to get into discussions like this then back things up with proper tech, and parroting something you read out of a Bell or MacInnes book doesn't count.

Balance is the Key. rarasvt@comcast.net