Originally posted by DemonSVT:
Originally posted by ATL-SVT:
Peaky tq is a HUGE asset when your biggest issue is traction. Especially when the peak is at the tail end of the power band.

I definitely do not agree with that because of varying launch rpm.
If you launch out of the power band the engine will bog badly and have to wait until much higher rpm levels before it builds boost. That kills drag times.
You can tell by the graph where it starts building boost and almost exactly where it reaches full boost. Both are far above low rpm launch levels.

Also without flat torque the shifting powerband is extremely narrow and it relegates the car to dyno only or drag only "queen" status.
Which is exactly what he was going for here. The biggest numbers he could get regardless of the power curve it generated.
For what he was going for he definitely hit on the head. It makes astounding power numbers from the 2.4L engine!!!

You are trying to defend moot points and it makes everyone's case against your mainly biased and unrational statements even stronger.

Aight dude, you are so out of your element on the srt 4 it isn't even funny....
There is NO TURBO LAG. Unlike the contour YOU DON"T HAVE TO BE AT 4 GRAND TO GET ANY PULL. You don't know what you're talking about. YOu think I don't tune srt-4's? You think I don't drag srt-4's??? I clutch drop a 1800 rpms or less (or I spin in the box and never get out of the dig. IF and only IF I plan to feather the clutch do I launch at anything higher and then I launch at 2600, from there you short shift first and second gear. For the record, here is what happens when contours race SRT-4's at the track: right click save as My car makes more wheel tq at 3k than your contour could ever make PEAK at the flywheel. You sound like a honda owner with no concept of tq on a fwd in real life....