hehehehehehe you are too funny. i never cam on here to sit there and act like as you call it a pimp. and when someone gave advise i took it as long as it didnt come with a smart a*s remark. the internet laws are different in every state many laws of that nature are thats why i spoke with my lawyer about it before acting like some jerk and calling the dealership first. i wanted to have all my ducks in a row first. see the main problem here is that you cant give your opinion without trying to cut someone down in the process, there is something called tact. you can give your opinion without making rude remarks. and trust me i am far from a crybabby, if i was wrong i would have posted on here that i was mistaken and thats that, but i saw his lawbook and his notes that proved what he told me. so maybe next time instead of stating your opinion and following it with rude comments or cut downs just leave those out, people like you should be kicked off this site. be civil about things......

Originally posted by 00SVT:
Originally posted by ryanblacksvt:
see by not even knowing me or what i am about you wanna come on here and bash me like some b*tch, you are probly the type that has gotten screwed over by everyone cause your a piece or crap. i come on here onto these forums cause i thought there was a good bunch of people on here but it seems to be like most of them now days if they dont belive something or disagree with something they wanna bash someone. sounds like your momma never tought you any manners, let anole any tact. why dont you take a look in the mirror before you wanna talk trash about anyone else.

Where to start with you??? First off, you came on here strutting around like a half-assed pimp about how you were getting this car 'cause you were so crafty and caught the dealership's mistake and you and your lawyer were gonna have a field day. Some people here attempted to correct you by giving very detailed, factual explanations of why, legally, you weren't going to get it. You proceeded to get all bent out of shape 'cause it wasn't what you wanted to hear. This has nothing to do with "a good bunch of people on here..." It has everything to do with people telling you straight-up that it wasn't gonna happen, no matter what your lawyer said.

I don't need to know you or what you're about to know that you are a big crybaby with no grammatical skills who thought he was gonna get something for next to nothing. My mother taught me plenty of manners. She also taught me how to smell a BS story a mile away, and she also taught me not to fall for any "woe is me" sob stories from clowns on the internet. And I can see my reflection in the monitor as I type this out, and I proceeded to talk trash to you.

Get over it. Or call your lawyer and sue me for being mean to you. I'll bet he tells you that you've got an open-and-shut case with that, too.