Not sure why you guys are having problems with the EBC Greens. I've used several sets (red and green) on my cars (both Focus ZX3 and a SAAB SPG) and not only are they noticably cleaner in regards to dust, I have found them 'way' kinder to rotors. I warped a set of rotors on the Focus in 18K (I'm pretty hard on my cars) but the factory replacement set of rotors with EBC pads were still on the car when I sold it at 60K. Quite a difference. My son's SVT Contour has greens on the front and he says he's happy with his too. Also, I'm not sure why someone would think greens are bit much for road use as that's what they were intended for, I use reds on my SAAB on the road and find them suited well for what I like to refer to as "Fast Road Use".

In regard to the bedding procedure, I use the usual bedding procedure of running the car up to 30-40 mph, brake steadily (not heavily) to a stop, repeat 3 times but with about 30 seconds between each brake application. Pretty simple, seems they want a repetitive action, without letting them get too hot right away.

Luck to you all.

"Hat's off to Michael Schumacher and Ferrari for re-writing HISTORY!"

Dezert Focus Member and Fan of all Euro-Fords. Once driven to the Darkside, there's no turning back.