It's probably just a fux0red cable like mine was. I rigged up a bicycle brake cable as a replacement, and it's worked perfectly ever since (1 month ago). No way in hell was I about to drop ~150 for a new box, when a cable only put me out $3.99.

In this picture, you can see the tip of the cable (it's a small silver tip shown next to the lower PCV feed hose) that I replaced with a bolt after feeding the new cable through, and using one of it's ends inside the box itself.

The way I made the end up was to drill a small hole in the head of a bolt, so that the other end came out right where the threads started. Then I pulled the cable through and used a washer+nut to crimp it tight.

Here is a shotty picture of said bolt. It took about 6 times before I had it crimped at the perfect length where it would open them fully, and allow the cable to return enough as to not trip the switch inside the box which tells if they are in an open or closed position.

The end I was speaking of which will be left on the new cable can be clearly seen in this picture on the right side. The cable frayed itself and then finally snapped about 3" past it's exit point from the IMRC box.

Words of caution do NOT remove the PCB from the IMRC box without the connector at the same time. These pieces are soldered together, and you'll seriously bollix it up if the pins snap on either. I scraped off as much adhesive as possible from the connector area and used some slip joint pliers to wiggle the connector out. Don't be afraid to mangle this connector a little bit, but not so much as that the wires will not fit back onto it.

does anyone have pictures for this link