Originally posted by jmgilman:
well... i think i'm the winner

just passed the 35,000 mark on a '95 SE!

..oh dangit, that SVT w/ 1500, oh well, lowest non-SVT car-- and hey, mine's 5 years older than his

Oh yah? How much you got on the SVT???
Originally posted by jmgilman:
alright, i have a T-red SVT, but i'm 16-- the insurance on it is crazy. would it be so wrong if i painted the SVT not one of it's signature colors? like maybe...really dark blue or an audi-esque blue? i was thinking black also, but it's really hard to keep clean. so...you guys think i shouldn't leave the SVT color palatte or what?

1999 Sportage 4x4...don't go there, it was free ....______o_o .../_l l__\____\ ..|--l l__----[]\|/[] .....................oo =( )_)----( )_)--)_)