Originally posted by Derk2000:
Warning - this may sound harsh.

I'm all for having pics of modded and unmodded 'tours or 'tiques in this calendar.
I don't want a calendar full of contour pics and crap for a background. If you're gonna post (and you're serious about getting the picture in the calendar) please post pics that don't have crap for a background.

Honestly, who wants to see an awesome lookin' Contour with Joe Schmo walking around in the background? Not me.

Backgrounds that I think are cool: 'tours, 'tiques, racetracks, barns, mountains, bridges, rivers, etc.
Backgrounds that I don't think are cool: the appartment, the house that the car belongs to , WAL-MART, etc.

So, some of the folks here need brush up on the background-selection skills and re-post away!

very true. . . aw sh!t, now mine cant be in there!!

#4559 of 6535 born on Feb 17, 1998 Black 1998.5 CSVT FOR SALE [cleaning house]: SVT rear swaybar. Reasonable offer and its yours!