I would venture to say that common interests contains significant amounts of personal information because many people have been here for a long time. Over time we develop familiarity and even friendships. If not in the real world, certainly on-line. There are regulars here for whom I have an enormous amount of respect; even if I disagree with their views. I enjoy common interests and my frequency of visits there is equal to all other forums combined. There is support when needed, always a fresh perspective and no shortage of people to suggest removing ones head from an anatomically impossible position. Losing CI would be a loss for the site as a whole. It would not keep me away from the CEG, but I would spend less time here.

In addition to personal information, and speaking for myself, the content is varied just as it would be in any group that exists over a length of time. Perhaps you're may be involved in an MBA study group, or some other entity that forms to address one specific topic. What happens after time is growth. It occurs in almost all ongoing groups. For instance, in addition to proving a theory about forecasting relevance in a waning market with unforseen variables, I discuss my car. The weather. Politics. If the group loses this ability, to digress, it becomes less 'fun.'

For me the CEG is about more than CDW information. It has become a fun place to be. I know almost all of what I need to and most of what I want to about my car. I have learned, or at least considered, a great deal more about topics much more significant than my car here.

Perhaps I missed the violations in CI because I am selective in what threads (and the post originators) I'll pass through. Others, I ignore. I am not forced to read or even reply (albiet sometimes I feel compelled).

My point is I think the loss of CI would negatively impact the CEG. All of us can contribute - think about what you post. Review the rules. Don't feed the fire. The onus should not fall on the moderators, but the members. That said, there will always be 10%. The knucklehead, whining, instigating, lying, uneducated, cement for brains, common sense lacking individuals whose sole value to planet earth is the conversion of oxygen to carbon dioxide so that our flora may return the favor. In a sick twist of fate, these people have computers, internet access, and worst of all, our address. I do believe in fate. I also believe in my own ability to adapt and overcome the hand I'm dealt. The CEG membership, collectively, has the ability to not let a few bad apples spoil the bunch.

Thanks to all for listening to my views. Also, thanks again to Lance for the CEG.


EDIT: corrected some typos; I like Freakshows concept of warn once and then ban. No second chances.

Last edited by Trapps; 10/03/03 12:18 AM.

Semper Fi "They've got us surrounded. Poor bastards." -Chesty