Originally posted by hetfield:
Although I would say that the tone and attitude used by some people could really be toned down a few notches (I'm guilty of this too from time to time).

This was my problem. I have absolutely no problem with people suggesting "search on xxxxx and you will find your answer" or the more helpful people that will do the search for you, sending both the hint to search next time and the answer to your current problem (killing two birds with one stone). My problem is some post in topics stating "Do a search!", which is effectively post whoring and not helpful at all especially if topic starter had searched and not found the answer to his problem.

When I made the above statement I was complaining more about the repost people. Granted, when it's repost #4 or 5 then it is not annoying, but when somebody posts something and somebody else says "repost" pointing to a topic five months old, that's a major pet peeve of mine on the boards.