Originally posted by bkent:
I look out to see this middle aged lady with a death grip on the steering wheel at 10 and 2, a look of terror on her face. Her left front tire was completely gone and she was grinding down the road. I ran out to try to stop her, I woulda put on her spare on for her, and she just stared ahead dead to the world. Say what you want, no man would ever be that dumb/ignorant/stupid.

I was at the gas station a few months back when this lady pulls up to the pump. She starts pumping her gas, then starts crying and waving her hands. The attendant and I go outside to see what was wrong, it was then that I realized that she was parked in front of the diesel pump!! I could hardly contain myself! She's standing there crying and saying "now what do I do"? I say "how 'bout I call a tow for ya Ma'm?"
FYI, she filled the tank! Then went on a rant about how her husband was going to kill her!