Originally posted by WestCoastAjax:
Just think what you could do to this car ,if you put the same amount of money into it, as it would have cost you retail. Say...$3000 - $4000 , Hmmmmm.........

That's exactly what I'm thinking.

At the risk of sounding like a faker newbie, airbags are not as expensive as I thought they were - You just have to look in the right place. (And of course, I'll tell you where the right place is.. After I've got mine..)

The cost of repair that I tallied didn't include the windshield.. That's the only thing I haven't looked into, but finding a salvage one shouldn't be too tough, I'd imagine.

I'm still puzzled by the sunroof. It does have all the other characteristics of a YA, but not the sunroof. The spoiler I'm not too concerned about, 'cause that's at least removable. The sunroof though.. That's not quite removable.

1995 Mercury Mystique - The $280 Wondercar. Sold for $96. 1996 Toyota Camry LE - At least it ran. 1988 Ford Bronco Custom - Chock full of get-up-and-slow. 1996 Taurus Wagon LX - In loving memory. *sniff*