If you're not metal-to-metal just yet, just replace the pads and not touch the rotors. That's your cheapest option and is safer than worn pads. [Rara is prolly having a coronary right now!] It is a compromise, however, and you should drive accordingly. As soon as money is available, buy Stazi's kit.

[Edit: Before I'm completely flamed for the above advice, I read this thread as a dire situation where the pads are within a couple of stop signs of being toast and there is like $40 in the cupboard. We've probably all been there and just needed a solution to just keep the wheels turning.]

Last edited by bigMoneyRacing; 09/11/03 04:41 PM.

-- 1999 SVT #220 -- In retrospect, it was all downhill from here. RIP, CEG.