Originally posted by proliphik:
WHAT 7 IN THE MORNING. wow...my gf is gonna be grummmmmpy. oh well. HAHA JEREMY THAT SUCKS! i got power back the next day around noon, hahahaha and water like a day after. but half the city still doesn't have power, all of the freeman district has no power what so ever

Haha, I know it sucks. We could always meet up with them later than 10.. but I was suggesting a time that would put us at getting there near 10. Wait...

I'm stupid , ok, 8am is when we'll leave. I don't know what I was thinking. Ok, must have been the lack of electricity. Anyway, yeah, I think that 8 is a good time to head out. We might not arrive right on 10, but pretty close to it. So, everyone want to meet up at Walmart at 745 to make sure everyone gets there by 8?

1998 SE Sport MTX Dark Green Pearl 18" Velox Scythes 35% Tinted Around 3inch Cone Filter Removed : Muffler ====================== Jeremy