Originally posted by lithium398:
Who makes these laws? Oh yeah, those nice friendly honest politicians... almost forgot. Just because something is the law, doesnt mean it is right or wrong. Police are just doing their job, ok I understand that, but many abuse their power.

So, its legal for a cop to endager lives on the road when they are doing about 65 on a busy street in Chicago? I dont see how that is. Oh and laws dont really apply to politicians unless it has to do with them taking money from the government. heh, so I feel like bringing up amsterdam again. How high is the crime rate there? How many issues do they have there? If you think about it, some laws actually induce crime. Marijuana is illegal, ok... so now drug dealers are out on the street selling it to minors and carrying guns. This is better than it being legal, and stores actually selling it? I dont do drugs, but just imagine if it was legal. Alcohol causes more problems than marijuana ever has. OH yeah, and that brings me to another point. Some of my friends have been stopped by a cop and could have been arrested for posession, but what the cop did, is he took the stuff for himself and let them go. He took their lighter too. (hmmm, i wonder?)

The autobahn also comes to mind...

Some of you need to walk in the shoes of the other person before you open your mouth and make yourself look like a fool.

Tell me, Lithium, is ignorance really bliss?

"Lets legalize cime and the crime rate will go down".

I live in America by choice, and you probably do too. If you want to live in Amsterdam, go. If you want to live in Germany, go.

And, your friends, do they share the same brain as you? I mean, complaining because they weren't arrested for possession of a joint? And then you have the cojones to say that the cop probably took it for himself.

One more thing, I have walked in the shoes of the public citizen. I have been pulled over and given tickets. I have seen reckless drivers almost cause serious crashes. And, I have seen the death and destruction that alcohol, drugs, speed, and stupidity can cause on the roadways of Florida first hand.

Jacob 1999 Tropic Green SVT 1693/2760 3/30/1999 Knauberized Fog Light Mod